Westbank Bible Church






All current lessons are via podcast

Podcast and Outlines

You can also listen to our services  via
Apple Podcast, iheart radio, google podcast or Spotify





Wonderful study guide

353 Prophecies

Fulfilled in Christ  Over 275
He the Christ   WestBank Podcast
linked to and produced
Pastor Merritt: Plan of
Salvation Invitation (Video)
"Prayer Success



 Contact David at: westankpodcast@gmail.com


Pastor L.G. Merritt

08/08/1936 - 06/16/2024

Pastor Merritt passed peacefully in his sleep.
He received the best Fathers Day gift he could get.
He went to be with the Lord and his wife, Tommie Ruth.




Westbank Bible Church/Westbank Bible Study  does NOT accept any form of direct or indirect donations.

 WestBank Bible Church/Westbank Bible Study does not authorize any
third party to solicit donations on their behalf
This is a privately owned and managed site and is not affiliated with any Church.
Our sole purpose and mission is to bring Bible Doctrine to anyone hungry to learn
This is Pastor Merritt's continued legacy after retiring from Westbank Bible Church