Westbank Bible Church
Audio and outline
Apr 2020 - May 2020
*Dates indicate recording date, not posting date. Posting to the website will normally occur 1-2 days after service.
Wednesday Bible Study |
Sunday Worship Service |
04-01-20 |
Palm Sunday 04-05-20
John 04--08-20
Easter 04-12-20
John 04-15-20
He Has Risen 04-19-20
John 04-22-20
2nd Timothy 04-26-20
John 04-29-20
2nd Timothy / Lord's Table 05-03-20
John 05-06-20
2nd Timothy 05-10-20
John 05-13-20
2nd Timothy 05-17-20
John 05-20-20
Memorial Day Tribute
John 05-27-20 |
2nd Timothy 05-31-20
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